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Happy Birthday MM

n0mad's picture

Happy Birthday f0r Yesterday MM



Hashy's picture


Happy Birthday Micr0! Have a g00d 0ne, enj0y y0urself, d0nt get t00 drunk ;p

Hashy's picture


hey n0mad, is this a h0ax? Because the all wise and all kn0wing faceb00k says August 4th…. ;p

EDIT: 0h s0rry n0mad, y0u did say it was yesterday 0r s0mething… =p


Happy Belated birthday MM hope you had an awesome day! :)

Sha8doW's picture


Drinking time!!!

Happy birthday


Robag's picture

oww who's a big boy now


congrats on hitting the big 18.

Now you can buy me a beer :p


Microman's picture

Thanks Guys!

Cheers for the birthday wishes :-)

Also, Matt… Do you have to call me that? It really does creep me out :-P. Only my Dad and some other people call me Daniel. Most people call me Dan.

yes Daniel

Yes I do.

Fuzz's picture

Happy Bday MM

Congrats – enjoy it mate. Have the time of your life – 18 is a damn fun age.


Hope ya had a good day mate.

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